Friday, October 31, 2014

Standard 2: Earth's Structure REVIEW

If you were absent on Friday (Halloween) you can find a printable copy of what we did in class by CLICKING HERE.  Complete the questions and turn them in on Monday :)

We also have a review packet that is due on Monday.  You can find a copy of it HERE.

Don't forget to take advantage of the UTIPS Practice Test.  You can take it multiple times.  It will help you to prepare for the test IF you take the time to figure out the answers to the questions you miss.  Login: lunch #  Password: Last name with a capital letter.

Also, last but not least. . .you can study your notes, your textbook, and the information here on the class website to help prepare you for your test.

80% or higher is the goal for the solar tube and canister rocket activities.  GOOD LUCK!!!

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